Express Donations: Apple Pay / Google Pay / PayPal

Donation Platform for WooCommerce (from version 1.2.0) supports Express Donations with Apple Pay / Google Pay / PayPal. This functionality is currently only available on the product page and not when using the wcdp_donation_form shortcode.

In order to use Express Donations you have to install at least one of the following free plugins:

You have to activate the express buttons in the payment gateway settings.

Apple Pay & Google Pay (Stripe)

  1. First create a Stripe account & install the official Stripe Payment Gateway for WooCommerce
  2. Follow the Stripe instructions to set up the plugin (link account, webhooks etc.)
  3. Enable “Enable express checkouts” under WooCommerce Settings -> Payment -> Stripe – Credit Card. Make sure that under “Show express checkouts on” the “Product Page” option is checked.
  4. Click on “Customize appearance” and select “Donate” as the call to action

By the way, if the donor clicks on the Express Donation button before making a donation amount selection, the original product price is automatically used.


  1. Create a PayPal Business account and install the latest PayPal for WooCommerce plugin.
  2. Follow the PayPal instructions to set up the plugin (link account, webhooks etc.)
  3. Go to WooCommerce settings -> Payment -> PayPal and enable the option “Enable buttons on Single Product”