Donation Leaderboard / Donor Wall

Showcase top contributors with our Donation Leaderboard feature. This tool highlights donor generosity, fosters competition, and increases engagement, motivating others to contribute and support your fundraising goals effectively.

Free Download

Donation Leaderboard Demo   
  • Mary donated $55.00
    2 days ago
  • Ahmed donated $90.00
    4 days ago
  • Lisa donated $20.00
    2 weeks ago
  • Jessica donated $90.00
    3 weeks ago
  • Michael donated $70.00
    2 months ago

Advantages of the Donation Leaderboard

  1. Increased Engagement: By displaying top contributors, the Donation Leaderboard fosters a sense of community and friendly competition, encouraging more donations.
  2. Transparency: Showcasing contributions builds trust with your audience, as donors can see where their money is going and how much is being raised.
  3. Motivation: Publicly recognizing donors incentivizes others to give, as they aspire to see their names on the leaderboard.
  4. Customizability: Tailor the leaderboard to match your website’s aesthetics and branding, ensuring a seamless integration.
  5. Real-Time Updates: Automatically updates in real-time, providing the most current information and keeping donors informed and engaged.

Use Cases for the Donation Leaderboard

  1. Charity Events: Perfect for fundraising events where you want to encourage friendly competition among participants to raise more funds.
  2. Non-Profit Organizations: Display donor recognition prominently on your website to build a strong community of supporters.
  3. Educational Fundraisers: Schools and universities can use the leaderboard to motivate alumni and students to contribute to various causes.
  4. Crowdfunding Campaigns: Ideal for campaigns that rely on community support, highlighting key contributors to drive further engagement.
  5. Corporate Sponsorships: Recognize corporate sponsors and major donors, encouraging other businesses to participate and donate.

Best Practices for Using the Donation Leaderboard

  1. Prominent Placement: Place the leaderboard in a visible location on your website to ensure it gets noticed by visitors.
  2. Celebrate All Contributions: Recognize both large and small donations to show appreciation for every contributor.
  3. Clear Goals: Clearly state your fundraising goals and how close you are to achieving them, providing motivation for further donations.
  4. Encourage Social Sharing: Add social sharing buttons to allow donors to share their contributions on social media, spreading the word and encouraging others to donate.

By leveraging the Donation Leaderboard feature of Donation Platform for WooCommerce, you can create a more engaging, transparent, and motivating environment for your donors, driving more contributions and helping you achieve your fundraising goals efficiently.

Donor Wall Demos

Style 1

  • Mary donated $55.00
    2 days ago
  • Ahmed donated $90.00
    4 days ago
  • Lisa donated $20.00
    2 weeks ago
  • Jessica donated $90.00
    3 weeks ago
  • Michael donated $70.00
    2 months ago
  • Matthew donated $20.00
    2 months ago
  • Eva donated $80.00
    3 months ago
  • Christopher donated $60.00
    4 months ago
  • Emily donated $50.00
    4 months ago
  • Joseph donated $35.00
    4 months ago
  • Robert donated $95.00
    5 months ago
  • Robert donated $90.00
    5 months ago
  • Charles donated $664.00
    7 months ago
  • John donated $567.00
    7 months ago
  • Charles donated $861.00
    9 months ago
  • Betty donated $545.00
    10 months ago
  • Jane donated $584.00
    10 months ago
  • Richard donated $616.00
    10 months ago
  • Charles donated $465.00
    11 months ago
  • Jane donated $146.00
    11 months ago

Style 2

  • Mary donated $55.00
    2 days ago
  • Ahmed donated $90.00
    4 days ago
  • Lisa donated $20.00
    2 weeks ago
  • Jessica donated $90.00
    3 weeks ago
  • Michael donated $70.00
    2 months ago
  • Matthew donated $20.00
    2 months ago
  • Eva donated $80.00
    3 months ago
  • Christopher donated $60.00
    4 months ago
  • Emily donated $50.00
    4 months ago
  • Joseph donated $35.00
    4 months ago
  • Robert donated $95.00
    5 months ago
  • Robert donated $90.00
    5 months ago
  • Charles donated $664.00
    7 months ago
  • John donated $567.00
    7 months ago
  • Charles donated $861.00
    9 months ago
  • Betty donated $545.00
    10 months ago
  • Jane donated $584.00
    10 months ago
  • Richard donated $616.00
    10 months ago
  • Charles donated $465.00
    11 months ago
  • Jane donated $146.00
    11 months ago

Donation Leaderboard Quick Start Guide

The Donation Leaderboard shortcode allows you to easily display a dynamic and customizable donation leaderboard on your website or platform. This shortcode is especially useful for showcasing top donors, encouraging healthy competition among contributors, and recognizing those who have generously supported your cause or project.

To add a Donation Leaderboard to your site, use the following shortcode:


Customization Options

  • limit (optional): Specifies the number of top donors to display.
    • Default: 10
    • Example: {wcdp_leaderboard limit="5"]
  • id (optional): Specifies the ID of the products associated with donations.
    • Default: “-1” (any product)
    • Example: {wcdp_leaderboard id="1"]
  • orderby (optional): Determines the sorting order of the leaderboard.
    • Values: “date” or “total”
    • Default: “date”
    • Example: {wcdp_leaderboard orderby="total"}
  • style (optional): Sets the style of the leaderboard.
    • Values: 1 or 2
    • Default: 1
    • Example: {wcdp_leaderboard style="2"}
  • split (optional): Divides the leaderboard, revealing the next x donations.
    • Default: -1 (disabled)
    • Example: {wcdp_leaderboard split="5"}
  • button (optional): Defines the text of the “Show more” button for split leaderboards.
    • Default: “Show more”
    • Example: {wcdp_leaderboard split="10" button="Load additional donations"}

Global Leaderboard Settings

Don’t forget to set the global leaderboard settings via the plugin settings page.

For a detailed guide and more advanced settings, please visit the full documentation.

Unmatched WooCommerce Donation Features

  • Unlimited Donation Forms
  • Any currency
  • 100+ payment gateways: Credit cards, Paypal, Local Payment options, Bank Transfer, SEPA, …
  • Thank you certificates
  • CRM & Accounting & Marketing integrations like Salesforce, HubSpot, Mailchimp, …
  • Unlimited custom form fields
  • Open Source
  • Customizable donation amounts
  • Advanced Donation Dashboard
  • Unlimited data exports (CSV, XLS, JSON, …)