Custom “Donate Now” (place order) Button on Checkout

Enhance your WooCommerce checkout experience by customizing the “Donate Now” (place order) button text. This documentation article guides you through the process of changing the default order button text to “Confirm Donation” using the woocommerce_order_button_text filter. By adding a simple code snippet, you can easily change the button text to better suit your needs.

Implementation Steps

Follow these steps to implement a custom place order button:

Step 1: Accessing Your WordPress Dashboard
Login to your WordPress admin dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to the “Code Snippets” Plugin (Optional)
If you don’t have the Code Snippets plugin installed, you can alternatively add the code to your theme’s functions.php file. However, using the Code Snippets plugin provides a cleaner and more organized way to manage custom code snippets.

  1. If not installed, go to Plugins > Add New and search for “Code Snippets.”
  2. Install and activate the plugin.

Step 3: Add the Custom Code
Once you have the Code Snippets plugin installed and activated, follow these steps:

1. In your WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to Snippets > Add New.
2. Enter a title for your snippet, such as “Custom Donate Now Button.”
3. Copy and paste the following code into the code editor:

 * Customize WooCommerce Order Button Text
 * Use the 'woocommerce_order_button_text' filter to set a custom
 * order button text on the checkout page.
 * @return string Custom button text.
add_filter('woocommerce_order_button_text', 'change_order_button_text', 15);
function change_order_button_text() {
    // Set a constant custom text
    return 'Confirm Donation';

4. Click on the Save Changes and Activate button.

Step 4: Verify Changes
Visit your WooCommerce checkout page to confirm that the “Donate Now” button has been successfully changed to “Confirm Donation.”


Customizing the WooCommerce order button text is a straightforward process that allows you to create a more personalized and user-friendly checkout experience. By following these steps and using the provided code snippet, you can easily replace the default button text with “Confirm Donation” or any other text of your choice.